Thursday, December 20, 2012


Your employee’s bags are packed, they’re ready to go.  They are standing there outside your door...

Today finds us at our final topic of discussion on the subject of interviews, Exit Interviews.  This may be your last opportunity for a discussion with your employee.  What will you say?  What will you do?  Please feel free to comment about experiences performing or being part of an Exit Interview. 


There comes a time for most employees when they are moving on.  As discussed in a previous post, this can be for a number of reasons ranging from changing jobs to retirement.  The Exit interview, usually given by Human Resources, is typically kept separate from the Termination Interviews because it serves a different purpose.  This interview allows the employer to give the employee separation information and then to extract information about how the employee views the organization.   

Separation Information

If you have rated an employee as re-hirable, a departing employee may be a great source as a future employee.  Some employees can be like great boomerangs.  You release them to the world, they gather experience and knowledge, and then they come back to you later.  It is best to allow them to leave with a warm fuzzy feeling because you, the HR rep giving the interview, have provided the employee with everything they need to succeed.  You will want to be sure to give the employee COBRA benefits information.  It would also be a good idea to provide them with the company’s referral policy and contact numbers.  If your company has a non-compete clause, you may wish to discuss it here if it has not been discussed previously.  Do not forget to get contact information for the employee if they happen to be moving.  Be sure to thank the employee for their time and their work at the company.

Revealing Information

The employee that is departing has the ability to speak honestly and candidly about the company with less fear of reprisal.  This is your opportunity to find out what employees really think of their company and they may provide a more accurate assessment of managers and policies.  You will want to ask why the employee is leaving the company.  Ask what suggestions they have for improvements in the organization.  Ask them about working conditions and relations between managers/subordinates.  Be sure to look for patterns or issues that you may want to address after the employee leaves.  If there is a problem that is causing one employee to leave, it may be an issue for other employees too.

Finally, ask the employee if there is anything more that they would like to say before they leave.  Sometimes they will have a last thought that will be the most important point of the interview.  Then, after you and their manager are sure the employee has all of their personal effects, the employee should be escorted out of the building.

And remember all of you Human Resources professionals:  Be Human... Be a Resource...  Be a Resource for Humans.

Disclaimer:  The views expressed in this post are by the author Trevor Stasik, and do not necessarily reflect the views of any employer or any other organization. Please note, this information is based on my understanding and is only to be used for informational and educational purposes.  Do not take what I am writing as advice.  Seek your own legal counsel and/or see a tax accountant before making business or personal decisions.  The author of this post makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

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