Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mind Like Water - Management Like Water

Mind Like Water - Management Like WaterDo you have a mind filled with big, unmovable granite boulders?  Or do you have an adaptive mind like water?  I would like to discuss the significance of having a flowing mindset in tackling management problems - Watch out for a mudslide!  Please feel free to leave a comment or suggestion down below about your own experiences with zen-like management formation.

Mind Like Water - Bend with Reality Rather Than Breaking Against The Rocks

I assure you, this post is not about to become some kind of trippy-experiment.  What is meant by the term “Mind Like Water”, is allowing yourself to adapt to the world as it is.  It is about answering a stimulus with only the amount needed; not rocking the boat by over-reacting.  In a personal sense, it is being balanced in your life so that you are prepared for whatever life throws at you.  At a professional level, it is about clearing away the mental clutter.  Some people use the “Getting Things Done” system, developed by David Allen, to sort things, allowing your mind to focus on more important matters.  Try to not worry about those things that you cannot change.  I know this is tough, I struggle with it myself, but it is a worthy goal to consider.

Management Like Water

So, can this “Mind Like Water” mindset work with managing an organization.  I think that it can.  Sometimes, managers and leaders have little control over who is on their team or the resources that they are allocated.  You have to work with the reality that you have been given, and hopefully lead your teams to accept their role in a bigger picture.  Clear out your group’s mental clutter by removing as many obstacles to productivity as possible.  Get all of your work into one place that your team can view, so they can clearly understand exactly what their responsibilities are.  Do not over-commit your team causing it to lose its focus and effectiveness.  Do not under-commit your team to cause people to feel bored or unvalued.  Find that balance.  Change your policies to fit a shifting reality.

The Boulders

I hope that you have thought a little bit about how to flow better in life and at work.  If you are in the fortunate position to have a lot of boulders thrown in your path, try to look at it as a learning opportunity.  You have the chance to find new ways of thinking and looking at things to find greater successes in your life.  With a little energy, maybe you can get even get some of those rocks and boulders to unstick on your way down the hill.

Are you practicing “mind like water”?  Flow and adapt.

And remember all of you Human Resources professionals:  Be Human... Be a Resource...  Be a Resource for Humans.

Interesting Links:

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are by the author Trevor Stasik, and do not necessarily reflect the views of any employer or any other organization. Please note, this information is based on my understanding and is only to be used for informational and educational purposes. Do not take what I am writing as advice. Seek your own legal counsel and/or see a tax accountant before making business or personal decisions. The author of this post makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.

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